XStream® HDVR® QuickStart Guides

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XStream® HDVR® QuickStart Guides

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The XStream® HDVR® distribution includes a set of example applications to help developers get started writing applications with the XStream HDVR SDK. These example applications include the Quickstart and the QuickstartAdvanced applications. These are platform independent, text-only console applications designed to get a new user up and running quickly.


The XStream HDVR Quickstart - These are minimal 'Hello World' style applications that demonstrate the minimal code necessary to initialize the HDVR® SDK, load a dataset, render an image, and perform a clean shutdown. The Quickstart applications are available in C++, Java, and .NET/C#.


HDVR Quickstart Application


The XStream HDVR QuickstartAdvanced applications provide more complex examples of XStream HDVR SDK functionality. These applications serve as collections of example code that demonstrate some of the more advanced features of the XStream HDVR SDK. The QuickstartAdvanced applications are platform independent console applications. They demonstrate a range of functional features, including different dataset loading techniques, 2D and 3D fusion, segmentation, polygon mesh creation and manipulation, different render modes, and the creation of custom server algorithms.


HDVR QuickstartAdvanced Application