Fovia C++ In-Process API
Public Attributes


List of all members.

Public Attributes

h_boolean AffectFullVolume
h_float64 Angle
h_int32 Brightness
h_float64 Depth
h_float64 LightHeight
h_float64 LightWidth
h_int32 Reflection
h_int32 Shininess
MATRIX44D Transform

Member Data Documentation

H_TRUE is the only acceptable value here. H_FALSE is currently unsupported.

Like RENDER_PARAMS::ViewAngle, this is the angle in degrees along the middle horizontal line in the frustrum.

The brightness component of the light.

Currently unsupported. All lights project to infinity right now.

Currently unsupported.

Currently unsupported.

The Reflection component of the light.

The shininess component of the light.

Defines the light orientation and location in precisely the same way as RENDER_PARAMS::Transform defines the view location and orientation. Consider the behavior of directional lights identical to defining a view in RT_PARALLEL, and frustrum lights identical to defining a view in RT_PERSPECTIVE.

The type of light to define.