The Distributable Package

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The Distributable Package

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The XStream® HDVR® distribution contains a number of sub-directories, each containing different packages to facilitate development with the XStream HDVR SDK. This section discussed each directory, its contents and purpose to the developer.


Distributable Contents


APIs: This directory contains the XStream HDVR SDK. Header files, libraries, dynamic link libraries, and other source and executable packages can all be found here.


Binaries: This directory contains the XStream HDVR SDK libraries. These consist of dynamic link libraries and their associated static link libraries. The type of library files depends on the operating system platform. For Microsoft Windows these will be .lib and .dll files. For Linux, these will be .a and .so files. For OSX these will be .a and .dylib files. Both 32 and 64 bit libraries are provided.


C++: This directory contains the XStream HDVR SDK C++ header files. Source code for some utilities such as the mouse adaptors is located here.


DotNet: This directory contains the IKVM DLLs for use with the .NET version of the XStream HDVR SDK.


Java: This directory contains the Java package source files for use with the Java version of the XStream HDVR SDK.


Client-Server Workstation Application: This directory contains 32 and 64 bit versions of the XStream HDVR workstation application. The Workstation application is written in Java and demonstrates most of the features supported by the XStream HDVR SDK.


Documentation: This directory contains the documentation for the XStream HDVR SDK. The documentation consists of a WebHelp system that describes all the features of the SDK, and a set of Doxygen files that describe the individual SDK classes and methods in detail.


Examples: This directory contains a set of example applications that show how to use the XStream HDVR SDK. A detailed overview of these example applications is discussed in Example Applications.


Preset Library: This directory contains a set of XML files that can be loaded by the XStream HDVR SDK to set the rendering engine state. These files contain preset values for visualizing different types of tissue or material types and can be used in end-user applications.


Server Application: This directory contains 32 and 64 bit versions of the HDVR rendering server. This application can be distributed with end-user applications. The license file provided by your Fovia representative should be placed in the 32 and 64 bit sub-directories.