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The details of the volume dataset loaded in the server is available through VOLUME_DATA_PARAMS and returned by the VolumeDataContext object. This includes the volume including organization, offset, dimensions, orientation, and slice spacing.


What is "organization" used for?
Is there any time you should NOT attempt to use a cached copy?  Why isn't this always done?


Initialization and Usage


Some optional common language about this class


In C++,


Provide example in C++ for using this class.


In Java/.NET, the VOLUME_DATA_PARAMS is accessed as shown below where it is accessed directly from the hdrcVolumeDataContext. Since this is a commonly used object, other objects in the system may also provide a reference to this object.


 // us the hdrcServerContext to load a dataset to create the hdrcVolumeDataContext

 hdrcServerContext hdrcServer = new hdrcServerContext("", "6778");

 hdrcVolumeDataContext hdrcVolume = hdrcServer.loadDicomDirectory("datasetDirectory");


 // obtain the VOLUME_DATA_PARAMS; true indicates that it should attempt to use the locally cached 

 // copy before requesting it from the server

 VOLUME_DATA_PARAMS vdp = hdrcVolume.getVolumeDataParams(true);



 // once the dataset is no longer in use by the application, be sure to release the resources.




Doxygen Links


Complete details of member variables and class names are available in the source level documentation available from these links to Doxygen.




Java / .NET